Apple's iPhone 6 Plus is ranked as the number one smartphone in the world right own. The tech giant Apple launched two of its biggest smartphones iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus in September 2014. Both latest iPhones include a number of changes over its predecessors, including larger display, a faster processor, upgraded cameras and improved LTE and Wi-Fi connectivity. Samsung's latest smartphone from E series, Samsung Galaxy E7 , was launched four months after the release of iPhone 6 Plus. Here we are comparing the specifications of Samsung Galaxy E7 with the core features of iPhone 6 Plus. Read on to know what is similar and what is different in these two handsets. Galaxy E7 comes with a 5.5 inches Super AMOLED touchscreen capacitive with 16M colors. The resolution is 720x1280 pixels and the pixel density is 267ppi. iPhone 6 Plus also has a 5.5 inches display but it comes with a higher resolution that is 1080x1920 pixels and 401 pixels per inch. iPhone 6 Plus has an L...